iShare Medical® Blog

iShare Medical® is your connection to Healthcare Interoperability, Direct Protocol, HISP Services, Direct Messaging, Electronic Health Information Exchange and HIPAA-Compliant Email.

What's CRUD and Direct Secure Messaging got to do with streamlining workflow? Everything



CRUD is an acronym used in IT that stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These functions are the essential functions that are necessary to create and maintain data in a database or data management system such as in EHR.  In this post we discuss how patient data is kept updated in near real-time by using Direct Secure Messaging and CRU operations to create, read, and update Medical Records in an EHR system regardless of care setting, provider, or EHR system (see the next paragraph for a discussion of Delete).

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Seeing Double or more? The Truth About Patient Identity and Matching

Walk into any doctor’s office, hospital, or pharmacy and the first question you are most likely asked is some version of, “What is your name and date of birth?”


This is because patient matching in the U.S. healthcare system is done based on the patient’s name and date of birth. The problem is that there are many people who have the same name and date of birth. The larger the geographical area, the more common the name, the more likely that there will be two or more matches on the same name and date of birth.

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Safeguarding Healthcare Data: The Essential Role of PKI

Sight unseen behind the scenes PKI plays an essential role in safeguarding medical information through advanced authentication and encryption methods.

What is PKI?


PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is a security and identity framework that uses digital keys and certificates for digital identity, authentication, authorization, encryption, access, and digital signatures to help ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of health information.

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Why is Healthcare all abuzz about API's?



It seems like every time you turn around, there's another buzzword in healthcare. So, let's start by demystifying the latest API. An API or application program interface is a service that listens for requests to perform a task and then instantly springs into action upon request.


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